Janavi Gupta

I am a third-year undergraduate, majoring in Computer Science with a minor in Human-Computer Interaction at Carnegie Mellon University. I am passionate about ideas at the intersection of caregiving/healthcare and technology.
I am an undergraduate researcher at the Robotic Caregiving and Human Interaction Lab working with Professor Zackory Erikson on creating and evaluating assistive interfaces to control robots for people with motor impairments and older adults. Most recently, my paper won a Best Paper Award at the Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) Conference 2024.
During Summer 2024, I was a Software Engineer intern at Palo Alto Networks on the AI Runtime Security project where I implemented machine learning solutions to ensure security and safety of LLM-Integrated Applications.
I am also the President of CMU Abhinaya, Carnegie Mellon University's competitive Indian classical dance team.
Reach Out: Email | LinkedIn | GitHub | YouTube | Google Scholar
*authors contributed equally
Towards an LLM-Based Speech Interface for Robot-Assisted
Jessie Yuan, Janavi Gupta, Akhil Padmanabha, Zulekha Karachiwalla, Carmel Majidi, Henny Admoni, Zackory Erickson
ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST) Adjunct 2024

VoicePilot: Harnessing LLMs as Speech Interfaces for Physically
Assistive Robots
Akhil Padmanabha*, Jessie Yuan*, Janavi Gupta, Zulekha Karachiwalla, Carmel Majidi, Henny Admoni, Zackory Erickson
ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST) 2024
Independence in the Home: A Wearable Interface for a Person with Quadriplegia to Teleoperate a Mobile Manipulator
Akhil Padmanabha, Janavi Gupta, Chen Chen, Jehan Yang, Vy Nguyen, Douglas J. Weber, Carmel Majidi, Zackory Erickson
ACM/IEEE Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) Conference 2024
Best Paper Award in Systems <3
[ PDF | Website | Code | IEEE Spectrum | CMU News | Pittsburgh Post Gazette ]
Detecting Anaemia Using Machine Learning and Computer Vision
Janavi Gupta, Reetu Jain, Mohan Kshirsagar, Shekhar Jain
Journal for Software and Hardware Research in Engineering, August 2021
[ PDF | Code ]

just for funzies hehe
18-095 Final Project
Hardware Used: 16x32 Adafruit RGB Matrix Panel (x1), Arduino UNO (x1), Arcade Style Buttons (x5)
I was pretty familiar with using Arduino and wiring up circuits without pre-existing circuit diagrams at this point so this was a pretty fun project. The code was very time consuming to write but it came together super well and was well-worth it when my friends all had a blast playing with it. It works exactly like traditional tetris :)

18-095 Midsemester Project
Hardware Used: Infrared Sensors (x2), Arduino UNO (x1), LEDs (x2), LCD 16x2 Display (x1), Servo Motors (x2)
This was my first ever hardware project so the hardest part was ensuring that it all worked together, especially post soldering. It flashes the upper LED and the LCD screen displays "Going Up" when you wave your hand over the upper Infrared Senor and vice versa for down!

check out the slay instagram <3
Junior Year (24-25) | Captain
Dances: Ramayanam playing Lakshmana in the Fall and Ravana in the Spring (14 mins), Aigiri Nandini (2.5 mins), Basant Pallavi: an Odissi piece (8 mins)
Led the team to be a lot more close-knit and organized, both logistically and financially, than in previous years. Collaboratively with the executive board, 0rganized a 2-hour showcase including dances by internal members and external students.

Sophomore Year (23-24) | Assistant Captain
Dances: Elements of Nature (4.5 mins), Ananda Tandavam (5 mins)
Created the Fall theme involving multiple dance styles for the first time in the history of the team, allowing different members to choreograph in their styles and learn other styles. Also introduced workshops to allow non-(classical) dancers to be exposed to Indian classical dance forms.

Freshman Year (22-23) | Member
Dances: Story of Karna (2.5 mins), Classical-Bollywood Fusion (4 mins)
Got recruited as the first-ever Odissi dancer on the team only to learn Bharatnatyam for the first time after doing almost 13 years of Odissi. Consequently, did my first-ever Bharatnatyam performance for Diwali!

The ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST)
October 2024 | Pittsburgh, PA

ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI)
March 2024 | Boulder, CO | Student Volunteer